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AI in Digital Marketing

"Things are complex till they are mastered." A popular saying from "Gyani Smita" :) According to SlashData, there are around 8.2 Million Python Developers in the world still low penetration in automation of Digital Marketing

Use Of Natural Language Processing in Digital Marketing

The use of Natural Language Processing aka NLP in Digital Marketing is increasing day by day. As individual's behavior in searching content and personification of content is increasing thus use of NLP is also increasing. Numerous companies are developing technologies to support their own online marketing efforts including SEO, eCommerce tools, social media analytics, data collection & conversion (Data Visualization), and much more. The benefits that come with this approach would be better conversions than the traditional manual methods. When it comes down a bit to understand how you could achieve your desired results based on information provided under various conditions.(ePOPs or DeepMind can serve as examples for these).

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